Pictures of Pretty People

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'm so excited!! I get to go to the gym tomorrow!!! I want to spend like hours there tomorrow. And hopefully I won't have anything in my tummy tomorrow so I'll just burn fat : )
sounds like a plan to me folks.
I had another blizzard day today, so I vegged out all day : / It was good though, I enjoyed the break from school.
Bad news: I'm going dress shopping on saturday and I do not have the clothes shopping body yet. ughhhhhh. I guess I'll have to get over it though. dmsfjdlsjf.
You know I'm having a hard time deciding if sleeping or staying up is the better calorie burning choice. What do you guys think? I heard you burn calories while sleeping, but I know you burn them staying up.. Which is better?
Love you all!


  1. Sleeping and sitting burn the same amount of calories, roughly 50 an hour, but sleep deprivation leads to weight gain. Your metabolism is thrown off by greater amounts of appetite stimulators. Get seven hours at the very least, especially when you're going to kick some ass at the gym the next day.

  2. Yeah I think its best to rest so you can be more active throughout the day (: have a great time at the gym!

  3. I'd sleep instead of stay up :]

    Hope you burn tons of cals at the gym!

    When I'm on an empty stomach while I shop, I'll feel a lot better than if I'm full of food, if that helps

