Pictures of Pretty People

Monday, December 27, 2010


Soo I am doing this on my new droid so it'll be short and sweet. With the new trait year coming up I've decided to share with you my new years resolution. I'm only going to drink waste. It'll be hard.. But worth it. Also I'm going to get more serious about ana. I may possibly go bella.. What do you guys think about that?
I'm not going to lie, the holidays have been a bitch. I've been forced to eat a shit ton. Also, my brother is home and he always is eating, and makes me eat with him. It'd frickin annoying. I'm gong to try and fast for the next couple days. Then I'll weigh myself on new years, and track my progress from there. Oh for my resolution, I'm allowed to have coffee once a week.
Have any of you seen black swan? It's an amazing thinsporation. Also it's a great movie. You should go see it.
I hope all of your holidays went better than mine did.
Love you all!
~ Lovely

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