Pictures of Pretty People

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mommy yaaaay

It's my mamma's birthday : ))) And it snowed!!!! It was so beautiful, and peaceful, I loved it so much. My mom is probably the most amazing person I've ever met. My parents are getting divorced, and she is so strong and amazing. Sorry I just super love her. ha.

So I didn't eat at all until dinner, I had to eat with my mom, which I'm okay with because it's her birthday, and she deserves to eat with someone, and if that means that I have to hate how I look afterwards, so be it, because she needs it. We had pizza, it was fun, because after we ate we both felt really fat, then we decorated the house for Christmas. I just love little moments like that when you just really love your family.

Things just seem to be falling into place lately, I really love it. It's about time really. *Sigh* I'm just happy.

With this happiness, there comes fear that it will all fade away though. I don't like that part. Like Charlie Brown said "Charlie Brown: I think I’m afraid to be happy.

Lucy: How can you be afraid to be happy?

Charlie Brown: Because whenever you get too happy, something bad always happens."

Let's just hope nothing bad happens. 

You guys are gorgeous. 


  1. That sounds really sweet, and I always love Peanuts' wisdom. Another favorite: "Sometimes I lie awake at night in bed and I ask, 'Is it all worth it?' " And then a voice says, "Who are you talking to?" And another voice says, "You mean: to whom are you talking?" And Charlie Brown says, "No wonder I lie awake at night."

  2. RYC: I'm short, and currently punished for thinking badly of fat people by getting a thyroid condition.
