Pictures of Pretty People

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

50th post : ))

Happy 50th post!! And I am happy.. for the most part.
I used my nausea as an excuse and got through almost the whole day. M came over after school and she kinda made me eat a little. Only a piece of toast and a granola bar. And we had musical practice right after, so I think I worked some of it off.. And I have hunger pains right now so I think I'm okay. Well I'm good with it.
I'm going to chicago on friday!! I'm so excited!! I think I'll get a lot of exercise in and I will be able to avoid food, hopefully all day. Tomorrow I will be able to fast, if I can find the will. I will find the will. I have to. Done.
Guess what?? A boy has been flirting with me!!! THINSPOOOOOOO! His name is Tony.. Awkwardly close to Anthony, which is A, my first love. But I don't give a crap. He's a senior and he said I'm really nice : )Now he's talking to me about the upcoming dance. Gahh this is cool : )
I'm going to the humane society tomorrow to work with the dogs : ) I'm really excited because it starts at 5 so I can say I ate before, and basically I get to skip dinner. So really it's all up to me if I don't eat anything tomorrow. I really have the opportunity to do it. I just need to find the will to not go to the fridge. I can do it. I have to do it for you guys. I need to be an inspiration.
I need some z's yo.
Keep being beautiful!


  1. Probably not juice. Whatever few bites you allow yourself, just take your pills after. You should be fine, though the queasiness is a convenient excuse.

  2. Awh yay for the new boy! (: I'm excited for you!

  3. Good luck in Chicago! I always find it harder to not eat when I'm away from home...

