Pictures of Pretty People

Monday, January 3, 2011


You know what sucks? Seeing your mom cry, and having to comfort her when all you want to do is cry with her. My parents are getting divorced and the date was finally set. March 9. Ugh.
In better news, I barely ate today and I can already see a difference. yay. I'm just not really enthused right now. But yea I'm doing a fruit fast now. Idk for how long.. but hopefully a while.
I feel so stupid!!! I didn't mean bella, I meant mia.. that probably clears things up a bit eh? Ughhhh embarrassing!!!
Thank you guys for the encouragement. Holidays are over. I'm going to get skinny. This is happening.
Let's get skinny.
ps. I'm doing this colorguard thing where I have to write dance and flag for a song, so I'm getting a workout in 45 minutes a day at least!! yay!!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your family's divorce.. I really hope things turns out better! :)

    I miss dancing a lot :( I use to get 1 hr and 15 mins of exercise just because of dance, haha.

  2. divorce sucks especially when you have to act like a grown up and comfort you parents through, just dont get too bogged down in the middle of it stay focused on yourself! btw im doing my fruit fast for at least 3-4 days then decide if i should or want to continue with it, good luck

  3. I'm sorry about your parents :( When things get hard I always just focus on losing weight. It helps me get through, having that control over at least one part of my life. Good luck with your fruit fast <3
