Pictures of Pretty People

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Ideas

So I have new ideas.. obviously : P
I totally failed this weekend, let's not talk about it.
I think I'm gunna do just breakfast, for as long as I can. Kick start my metabolism with grapefruit, then starve.
I went to my greatgrandmas house tonight. She just had her breasts removed, damn breast cancer. She's doing great though. She really wants to get out of the house though, she's very social for being 79. She was talking about her will, and it was really depressing. She's leaving me this gorgeous native american turquoise necklace.
Anyway, my dad started this new gym, and I'm gunna talk to him about having me possible join. I really want to work out, like swim work out, I love swim working out; I'm boss at swimming.
I really want this whole semester to be amazing, I'm gunna do my homework and work out, and get skinny!! Oh, I'm so excited.
You guys should listen to joseph birdsong. His youtube channel is disneykid1. He is an amazing singer.
You know where I get all my thinspo? Tumblr!! It's amazing. Just thought I'd share that with you.. okay I'm rambling.
One more thing! Ha. I went to look at houses with my mom today, it was super fun. All the houses need a lot of work, but they're all so cute!! The only thing is all of them I'd have to share a bathroom with my mom... Not so excited about that.
I hope all of you can get motivated!!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I eat breakfast just for my metabolism too.

    Good for grandma's doing well! :D

