Pictures of Pretty People

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So frickin close.

I was doing so well. I actually felt hungry, almost the whole day.
Then my mother made me eat dinner.
I only ate a small portion, but still, eating is eating. Can I seriously not go one single day without eating? fml.
Went to counseling today, got a lot out about my first love A. I still love him dearly and he won't speak to me. It's really quite sad. Actually really really sad..
Maybe I should put an all about me page on here. I think I will. I hope people start following me. kinda makes me feel lonely.
I got my ballerina costume today, I felt pretty in it : )
There's this kid Z who took me to homecoming, and he's super nice, and I think he likes me.. but I'm still in love with A but I know nothing will ever happen between us again. I don't really know what to do. I'm just so lost with love. I need guidance.
Skinny is so.. skinny, hah. It makes me extremely jealous. Yup skinny if you're reading this, you are my thinspiration, congrats : )
I just need sleep, I'm so moody.

We don't need food.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel lonely. It takes such a long time when you start a blog to get lots of readers. Just keep reaching out to other blogs and they will reach back to you.

    Fasting is so hard to do if you live with parents. I try to do it when I go home for summer and whatever and I fail over and over. The couple of times I've managed I just have to stay out of the house all the time. Trying to hide not eating from parents is like a full time job. Maybe better to eat tiny bits throughout the day to keep your metabolism up if you have to eat dinner. But I know how hard it is when you just don't want to eat.

    I think you should go out with Z. If he's nice and likes you, you might be surprised by how much fun you have with him. If that other guy is being dumb, then it's his loss.

    <3 Eva
