Pictures of Pretty People

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh what a day

I just enjoy not eating so much, once the first day is done it just makes me want to never eat again. But I did have two spoonfuls of peanut butter. Just because I thought I was going to faint.

Skinny had her first completely clean day today, I'm super proud of her : ))) She also helped me flirt with G. And now he talks to me a lot more <3 sooo happy!
I'm pretty sure I can sneak it into the convo that I want to sit with him. And I'm pretty sure he'll sit with me cuz hes such a sweetie.

I worked out so much at guard today, I definitely burned off those dreaded peanut butter spoonfuls. But I had this really weird thing where it was like cramps but I'm not on my period, and they were more sharp.. Anyone ever have that? It was very uncomfortable and lasted about an hour.

I look so skinny, I can't get over it. But I just want more more more! I want the weight to drip off me. To melt away. The longer I look the more imperfections I see. OH! And this girl who is like my biggest thinspo ever admitted that she used to be ana. So that is how she got so friggin beautiful. It works! lol. It's just nice to actually see major results in person.

Tomorrow Skinny and I eat nothing, unless we feel like we're going to faint..

stay thin! stay positive!

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