Pictures of Pretty People

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ohhhhh G : )

So as you may have noticed from the title, G and I have been doing really well lately. We sat on the bus together, and I totally cuddled with him and slept on him, it was amazing. Then we placed 4th at state, and that's really good for our flight. So on the way home we snuggled and napped. Then at J's party we went for a walk and we told eachother our stories, and I'm so happy he knows it and doesn't really care : D. Now I don't have to feel like I'm hiding things from him. Skinny told me that she thinks he likes me : )))) So idk, hopefully something will come about from that.

I did so well this week. Then on saturday Skinny and I decided to celebrate and eat, not a lot, but still some. We decided to fast all week until friday, what a challenge! But I know we can do it, it feels so incredibly good to be empty. I just want to be able to say yea I haven't eaten in three days. How awesome would that be? Or to be able to say, yea I weigh a lot less than I should. Btw my current weight it 113. So close to 10 somethings, then 90 somethings. Ugh I want double digits like non other. I love seeing ribs hips and collarbones. Bones are beauty.

So get this, I'm in touch with God again. It's been so long since I've connected with him, but I finally realized all the signs. Skinny was put into my life at just the right moment, and she has a really good faith (I went to church with her today <3) And then there's G who is the most spiritual person I know. He leads youth worship at his church (he plays guitar) and he goes to church like all the time. He just recently invited me to go to his church, and I'm super excited. Skinny's man has also invited us to his youth group, so it's like God is shouting at me that he's present in my life : D.

I've decided that God wants me to fast. Jesus did it, maybe it will bring a clarity to my life. I feel like it already does. Fasting just seems like a good central thing to rely on in my life. Like I can always plan on it.

So on Friday, Skinny and I are going to double with G and her man, we're going to get chinese. It's a buffet, so we're going to totally pig out, then purge it all. I can't wait. My stomach already hurts from just eating a little, so I know I'll be able to purge it.

I can't wait to feel hungry again. I will reach my goal.

Thin is easy.

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