Pictures of Pretty People

Friday, November 26, 2010

Well F me sideways

What a horrible food filled day. I really truely didn't want to post today, but I just want to get this day down so I can forget about it and move on. So yes, I ate a shit load today. I feel horrible. But the only thing making me okay right now is knowing that tomorrow I won't eat, and I'll be hungry. I love being hungry.

The only good thing about today was that I got to see my wonderful family. I love my little cousins. But it was weird because my parents recently got divorced, so I didn't eat dinner with my dad like I have for my whole life. It was kind of depressing. But I got to see him after dinner. It just wasn't the same.

I'm through with boys for a while now. A, my first love, hates me. He hates me, and it makes me cry. I miss him so much it actually hurts. It hurts even thinking about it. Ouch.

Skinny and I are decorating her house tomorrow, for Christmas. I'm really excited because I get to meet her sisters! Also I love Christmas, so that's good too. I've decided to set a goal for myself. By January 29th I want to meet my goal weight of 100 pounds. (Actually 99, but Skinny wants me to shoot for 100) but yes, that gives me about 2 months to get there, I think I can do it. All I've got to do is quit eating, no big deal ha. I seriously think I can do it though.

Well I hope everyone elses Turkey days went better than mine.

Stay beautiful and strong!

1 comment:

  1. Aw thank you so much! Your comment like made my night lol. Don't beat yourself up about today, tomorrow will be awesome :)
